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  • What is Speech Sound Disorders?
    Articulation is the process of producing sounds, syllables and words that we identify as speech and language. Children with an articulation disorder (also known as speech sound disorders) may present with errors in production of individual speech sounds. Phonology is the study of sound patterns in a language, across languages. Children with a phonological disorder may present with predictable, rule-based errors that may affect more than one sound. What does this look like? Producing sounds correctly but in the wrong place.
  • What is receptive language?
    Receptive Language is the ability to understand/comprehend spoken or written language. It is often referred to as the “input” of language. Children with receptive language deficits may present with the inability to follow directions, comprehend yes/no questions, “wh” questions or open-ended questions or follow along in conversation.
  • What is Expressive Language?
    Expressive Language is the ability to express one’s wants and needs through verbal and nonverbal communication. It is often referred to as the “output” of language. Children with expressive language deficits may present with the inability to share thoughts, ideas and feelings, reduced vocabulary as same age peers or difficulty with word finding with an increase use of place holders (i.e saying “um”, “uh”)
  • What are Voice Disorders voice?
    A Voice Disorder occurs when vocal pitch, quality or loudness differ or is inappropriate for a child’s age, gender, cultural background or geographic location (Aronson & Bless, 2009; Boone et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2004). Voice Disorders can be characterized as organic (physical changes in the vocal mechanism) or functional (inefficient use of the vocal mechanism) Children with Voice disorders may present with abnormal high or low pitch voices/whispers, harsh or hoarseness, loss of voice etc.
  • What is dysphagia or feeding disorders?
    Dysphagia refers problems with swallowing. Feeding disorders can include problems with sucking, eating from an utensil, chewing or drinking from a cup Swallowing disorders refers to difficulties manipulating food from the mouth, throat, or esophagus to the stomach.
  • What is Fluency or Stuttering?
    Fluency refers to continuity, smoothness, rate, and effort in speech production Children with fluency disorders or who “stutters” may present utilizing fillers in speech such as “uh”, or may repeat a word or phrase Fluency disorders can be characterized as repetitions(i.e. I want want more), prolongations (i.e I wwwwwant more), or blocks (i.e I……want more).
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